Erling Mandelmann

Erling Mandelmann

Le photographe, le musicien et l'architecte

03/05/2010 to 01/11/2010
In 1965, Erling Mandelmann made a series of photographs of the Villa “Le Lac” for Mobilia, a prestigious Danish design, interior and architecture journal.
The tenant of the Villa “Le Lac” at that time was none other than the musician Albert Jeanneret, Le Corbusier’s brother. The encounter between Erling Mandelmann and Albert Jeanneret would give rise to a wonderful friendship. The photographer and the musician got together frequently in the architect’s “Little House”, to include a shooting session that produced a second series of photos, in which Albert Jeanneret can be seen teaching rhythmics to his students. Beyond their artistic and documentary interest, these photographs show how the Villa “Le Lac” looked when it was inhabited. To enter Albert Jeanneret’s private life is also to penetrate the intimacy of Le Corbusier’s architectural thinking and one of his first “machines for living”.
Photos © FLC/ProLitteris